SEO – The Intelligent Investor

SEO – The Intelligent Investor
  • KandarpKandarp
  • January 28, 2023
  • 5 minutes to read

Should I spend my money on Search Engine Optimization (SEO)? Is there any genuine value in SEO? Is SEO a critical aspect of business growth? Why is SEO important? It isn’t easy to believe that anyone in charge of a company’s digital presence has yet to hear of Search Engine Optimization and comes across the above questions. Business owners who want to expand their firm through a range of digital marketing platforms should consider the advantages of organic internet searchability. The advantages of SEO for business are nearly limitless, and utilising them can boost your brand’s success in the marketplace.

It is true that incorporating SEO into your digital marketing strategy is complicated and time-consuming. Furthermore, improving your content is a lengthy process that may take months to see results. You undoubtedly wondered at some time if it was worth all the trouble. You can stay rest assured that it is! SEO will ensure that your platforms rank higher in the search results and gain high-quality traffic.

Below we will look at some of the most significant reasons why Search Engine Optimization is the right choice for businesses looking to increase visibility and provide value to their target audience.

Importance of SEO:

1. Boost website visitors through organic search

Search Engine Optimisation is laser-focused and customer-focused. A successful SEO strategy will assist in delivering your web pages to a specific audience through relevant search queries. Organic visibility, which leads to more significant website traffic, is a huge advantage of SEO.

Organic exposure generates high-quality traffic to your website without trying to charm or persuade the visitor because the customer is already looking for what you have to offer. This helps you rank better, which means better visibility. A blog published by Granth after employing SEO garnered traffic of about 20,000 every month.

2. Ensure your website is promoted 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Search Engine Optimisation efforts do not end when the office closes. Content remains when a budget is exhausted, as with sponsored advertising. SEO rankings advertise your website 24 hours a day, seven days a week, taking full advantage of the (at least) 60,000 Google searches that occur every second. SEO is unique in that it allows your organisation to contact users while they are looking for you rather than on a billboard.

3. Better user experience

There are numerous ways to enhance your website and boost customer experience. This involves delivering helpful information to your audience, relevant photographs or videos to supplement the text, easy-to-navigate web pages, and a mobile-friendly webpage configuration.

Both website users and search engines respect good user experience, and providing it will boost your position and keep people on your sites longer. For example, if you include animation on your page, but it doesn’t render correctly, the user will have a negative experience. Optimising animations will make them simpler for Google to notice. When the user scrolls down the website they will be able to appreciate it because it will operate smoothly rather than freezing and crashing. More clicks, more leads, better brand memory, and higher conversion rates result from the improved user experience.

Google released an essential web vitals report to the Search Console in mid-2021 to allow the tracking of the page experience by website managers. Businesses may easily detect advanced page performance and SEO concerns using this feature in 2022 and optimise how users view their content. When combined with the freshly updated search performance report, businesses have tremendous tools to take advantage of the benefits of SEO.

4. Excellent lead generation tool

In business-to-business (B2B), business-to-customer (B2C), and non-profit companies, inbound techniques are the most effective and successful source of leads. Search Engine Optimisation, social media, content marketing, referrals, and other methods are examples of inbound marketing.

However, if your SEO strategies are not generating new leads, you should reconsider and ensure you are targeting the proper demographic. Check-in on your competition as well; perhaps another company in the market optimises their material better and is stealing your slice of the pie. According to Alexa, search engines are most industries’ primary source of website traffic. Search is now the most proactive approach for users to find a brand. Consider this: how often do you enter the full domain name into your browser? And how often do you Google what you recall and leave the rest to predictive text?

5. Increased conversion rate

A high ranking on any search engine will significantly increase your conversion rates. If you can keep your top spot for an extended period, your target market will become more aware of your company and the quality of your work. This will boost your credibility and reputation as an industry authority. Customers are more likely to close a deal with you when they become more familiar with your brand and gain more knowledge about your products/services.

6. An investment that keeps giving

Be sceptical if an SEO company promises immediate results. While great SEO can substantially influence a firm in the first year, SEO efforts will compound over time, resulting in improved outcomes for several years. Indeed, SEO outcomes and ROI scale are proportional to the budget, effort, and time invested.

Implementing a well-thought-out SEO plan, such as content generation and on-page optimisation, as well as knowing Google’s algorithm, takes time. To achieve the best benefits from implementing SEO into your digital marketing strategy, you must be willing to view SEO as an investment with a high long-term return.

High-quality SEO put on a brand’s website will yield long-term benefits. Granth’s Search Engine Optimization team is committed to producing exceptional results while maintaining complete openness throughout the process. Contact us and let’s help grow your brand!



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