Build a Brand Identity for Your Business

Build a Brand Identity for Your Business
  • KandarpKandarp
  • March 15, 2023
  • 5 minutes to read

It takes much more than a collection of assets and a pleasing colour scheme to create a brand identity. Your brand identity is the secret sauce that sets you apart from the competition. You don’t want to blend into the background since it implies that you’ll be quickly forgotten and readily replaced.

Of course, you already know this, but what can you do to build a better brand identity that fans, followers, and consumers will remember? An identity that they’ll remember the next time they’re interested in something you have to offer? Reading corporate brand guides can feel like navigating through a sea of colourful logos and typography, but that’s not the ideal place to start when developing a brand identity. A rough plan is required to create a presence that gets your firm noticed. This plan will include strategies for creating a lasting legacy and brand identity. Let’s go through some of the basics.

A distinctive voice

In order to raise your voice to attract attention, you must first learn how it sounds. Doing market research and delving into the details are both crucial steps in building a brand voice. Don’t merely repeat what you believe your customers want. The essential component of getting your marketing message to create an impact is to identify your target audience’s unspoken needs and desires.

Old Spice has created a brand voice for itself which is quite distinctive and engaging. When competition increased, Old Spice was relaunched in 2010. Old Spice’s brand voice is both manly and amusing, frequently exaggerating masculinity for comedic effect. This mix, together with innovative video marketing, helped the brand stand out and re-establish itself as a household name.

Second, create a character for your brand to enable everyone on your team understand who you are. This isn’t about physical characteristics or assets, but rather about tone of voice and personality. Your brand identity is the public face of your company, but your brand voice communicates your message.

A meaningful logo

Your logo is very much at the heart of your company’s brand identity. A common misconception is that you have to spend thousands or even millions of dollars to get a great logo and that’s simply not the case. A memorable, iconic logo is well within grasp, one that gels perfectly with the image and brand identity you want to project.

Logos serve as visual symbolism for your company’s identity. They serve as a depiction of your company and its trademark. Creating a logo is more than just coming up with something clever. Logos should also convey your brand’s ideals. Your logo is quite often your initial shot to make an impact, regardless of the intent behind it or what it aims to achieve. Examine the competition before you approve it to verify that your logo is distinct but does not deviate too far from industry standards.

A consistent tone

Consistency of every platform and every point of communication is vital to ensure brand recognition in the short term and brand identity in the long term. For example, your website and mobile app should look as alike as possible so that customer experience is unhindered irrespective of the platform customer is using. The colours, lines, shapes, fonts, size, logo should all remind the audience of your brand and that is possible when you make them notice your business, consistently reminding them that you exist until they become a permanent consumer this also ensures a great brand recall.

The key is the keywords when using social media

As previously stated, social media may be an extremely significant weapon in your branding arsenal. But, simply having a profile and occasionally posting stuff is insufficient. You must understand that social media is not intended to be used solely as a broadcast channel; it is a social tool. To that end, it’s crucial that you interact with users who are or may be interested in what you’re offering.

An inspired colour palette

This is where the fun begins for both marketers and designers. Colour palette selection speaks to the artist in all of us, but make sure your picks complement your brand identity rather than personal taste. Colour elicits a powerful emotive response that is frequently subconscious, but has a huge impact on how buyers view your business.

Begin by making a Pinterest mood board and seeing where your mind takes you. Reds, oranges, and yellows, in general, represent energy and intensity, whereas greens and blues indicate tranquillity and trust. Whichever palette you end up using, make sure the colour choices not only create an appealing look for consumers, but also convey something important about your brand identity.

Product packaging

If you sell a tangible product, product packaging is critical to attracting the right buyers because they will become return customers. Don’t underestimate the value of smart design in boosting the experience and driving both loyalty and repeat purchases, whether you’re thinking about a bottle of cold-brew beer or the mail you’ll send to your consumers who purchased a rug from your website. Packaging is a fantastic way for your design to shine.

The above-mentioned ways of building a brand voice will help you stand out among your competitors as well as inscribe a solid image in the minds of your present and prospective users.

The crucial thing is to establish your brand identity and business, and then all of the promotion and branding will follow naturally. Make sure to go over all of the recommended techniques and approaches stated above to boost your brand reach and business ROI in the coming months. Sounds like a lot, doesn’t it? Because it is, reach out to Granth and we will help you out in the wonderful journey of brand building.



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